MyHeritage New Advanced Features & Technologies

Daniel Horowitz
June 15, 2024 10am PT via Zoom

Recording expires: June 30, 2024

Watch recording:  Link to recording
Members:  Input your email address and use passcode from the SKCGS June 2, 2024 member email 

Airtable as Research Log, FAN Club, and DNA Match Tracker

Demonstration of Airtable in action, based on Nicole Dyer's Airtable Universe bases. As you log your research, effortlessly connect the FAN Club members you find in each record. As you work your DNA matches, log your findings and communications with each match. 

Watch recording:  Airtable

The National Register of Historic Places - Beyond the Nomination Form

Speaker:  Horace H Foxall, Jr
February 18, 2023 10am PT via Zoom

Recording expires:  No expiration

Presentation slides:   February 18, 2023 PDF


Preserving Your Family History

Speaker: Hilary Pittenger, White River Valley Museum Curator
October 15, 2022 via Zoom

Recording expires:  Never

Watch recording:  Preserving Your Family History

The Riches of Probate

Speaker:  Alexis Hacker Scholz
March 19, 2022

Recording expires:  No expiration
